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Amgen Bone Health Mentoring Program

            Monday, October 15, at 11:30am – 2:30pm ◼ Ruth Chris, Minneapolis, MN

FR0169 Bone Healing Enhancement through Inhibition
of Sclerostin by Monoclonal Antibody in Rat Osteotomy
Suen P, Yixin H, Chow D, et al.
Session:Welcome Reception and Plenary Poster
Session◼ Friday , October 12, 05:45 PM - 07:00 PM◼
Discovery Hall-Hall B/Minneapolis Convention Center

   Results                Abstract Information            Additional Notes from
Conclusions                                                Poster/Presentation*
             ▪ At weeks 3, 6 and 9, Scl-Ab group as
                compared to vehicle had a              Updated/Additional Data,
                significantly higher callus volume     Key Takeaways
                fraction and BMD (p<0.01)

             ▪ At weeks 3 and 6, Scl-Ab group had
                increased callus vascularization

             ▪ H&E and safranin O staining
                indicated more bony tissue in
                calluses at week 3 in Scl-Ab group.

             ▪ Ultimate load, stiffness and energy to
                failure were higher in the Scl-Ab

             ▪ Scl-Ab enhances bone healing along
                with increased bone formation, bone
                mass and bone strength in rat
                models of osteotomy,

Implications Discussion Points, Key Takeaways
for Canadian

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