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Amgen Bone Health Mentoring Program

                       Monday, October 15, at 11:30am – 2:30pm ◼ Ruth Chris, Minneapolis, MN

1173 Femur QCT Analysis using MIAF in
Postmenopausal Women Treated with Odanacatib -
Results of a 2-year Placebo-controlled Trial.
Engelke K, Fuerst T, Dardzinski B, et al.
Concurrent Oral Session 29: Osteoporosis - Treatment
(Clinical) ◼ Monday, October 15, 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM ◼
Auditorium-Main/Minneapolis Convention Center

           Abstract Information                                Additional Notes from
Objective  ▪ Using QCT, this study assessed the effects of
Methods       ODN on femoral BMD in postmenopausal             Strengths,
              women                                            Weaknesses, Key
           ▪ This phase-3 trial included 214
              postmenopausal women with mean BMD T-
              scores of -1.8 at the lumbar spine and femoral

           ▪ In this double-blind study, subjects were
              randomized to receive ODN 50 mg weekly or
              placebo; all participants received calcium and
              vitamin D.

           ▪ QCT was used to assess BMD, BMC and
              volume of the integral, cortical and trabecular

* Assignment notes will be collected at the Amgen Mentoring Program Debrief Meeting. Hardcopy or Electronic versions are acceptable
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