Page 9 - Highlights of Napcon 2021
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1. Newer Technology in OSA Management ........ 11                       19. Fungal Infections in Chronic Lung Diseases... 29
         Dr. Abhinav Chaudhary                                                   Dr. Chandrakant Tarke

2. Preventive Approach in Management of Chronic                         20. Personalized Management of Lung Cancer .... 30
        Respirator y Diseases: Importance of Vaccines.. 12                       Dr. D Behera
         Dr. Agam Vora
                                                                        21. Pulmonar y Leptospirosis:
3. New ATS/IDSA Community-Acquired                                              How Do I (Should I) Deal with It? ................. 31
        Pneumonia Guideline: More Micro, Less                                    Dr. D Ganguly
        Macrolide, No HCAP ................................... 13
         Dr. Ajeet Singh                                                22. Antibiotic Resistance in Upcoming Decade .... 32
                                                                                 Dr. Debraj Jash
4. Glucocorticoids and Anti-thrombotic Agents in
        COVID-19: Which One, How Long?................14                23. Anticoagulants in COVID-19 ........................ 33
         Dr. Alok Nath                                                           Dr. Deepak Muthreja

5. Thrombolysis and Surger y in PE:                                     24. How to Choose Biologics: Which? ................ 34
        When and Why? ........................................ 15                Dr. Deepak Talwar
         Dr. Amina Mobashir
                                                                        25. Complex Sleep Apnea - Is it Complex? .......... 35
6. Screening for Sleep Disordered Breathing ..... 16                             Dr. Dhrubajyoti Roy
         Dr. Anand Kumar
                                                                        26. Pulmonar y Medicine:
7. Hepatic Hydrothorax ....................................17                   Evolution of a Specialty & Challenges ........... 36
         Dr. Anirban Sarkar                                                      Dr. Dhruva Choudhary

8. Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer ........................18               27. Pulmonar y Renal Syndrome ......................... 37
         Dr. Ankita Patel                                                        Dr. Dipti Gothi

9. Lifestyle Modiļ¬cations in Asthma ................. 19                28. HFNC Versus NIV in COVID Hypoxia ............38
         Dr. Arun Chowdary Kotaru                                                Dr. Divya R, Dr. Trinath Dash

10. Is NIV Useful in All Forms of                                       29. Drug-resistant TB: Who and Why? ................ 39
        Acute Respirator y Failure? .......................... 20                Dr. G N Srivastava
         Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh, Dr. Irfan Ismail Ayub
                                                                        30. Issues Related to Post-Covid Fibrosis ........... 40
11. Machine Perfusion & The Future of                                            Dr. G C Khilnani
        Lung Transplants ........................................ 21
         Dr. Attawar Sandeep                                            31. Rheumatoid Lung ........................................ 41
                                                                                 Dr. Girish Sindhwani
12. Macrolides in Adults with Respiratory Diseases .. 22
         Dr. Atul Luhadia                                               32. What is New? GINA 2021 ............................ 42
                                                                                 Dr. Harjit Dumra
13. Scleroderma ILD ........................................ 23
         Dr. B P Singh                                                  33. Drug-Resistant TB and Pregnancy ............... 44
                                                                                 Dr. Jai Kishan
14. Medical Thoracoscopy and Its Evolving Role
        in the Management of Pleural Diseases ........ 24               34. Prevention of Infections in ICU ................... 45
         Dr. Balamugesh T                                                        Dr. Jefferson Daniel

15. Assessment, Prognosis and Guideline                                 35. WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines 2021 ..... 46
        Implementation in Pulmonar y Arterial                                    Dr. Kalpana Balakrishnan
        Hypertension .............................................. 25
         Dr. Bhagwan Mantri                                             36. Ebus Guided Cr yobiopsy ............................ 47
                                                                                 Dr. Karan Madan
16. How are New Global Guidelines Helping
        Treatment of My Patients Differently? ........... 26            37. New Drugs (Biologics) for Asthma ............... 48
         Dr. Bharat Bhushan Sharma                                               Dr. Kumari Indira K S

17. Non-Pharmacological Strategies in                                   38. COPD: New Clinical and RWE Data on
        Bronchial Asthma ....................................... 27             Treatment Choices ...................................... 49
         Dr. C R Choudhary                                                       Dr. Lancelot Pinto

18. Newer Molecules in PAH ............................. 28             39. Drug Resistant: Pulmonary Infections in ICU... 50
         Dr. Chakrahari Ugandhar Bhattu                                          Dr. Loganathan N

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