Page 7 - Highlights of Napcon 2021
P. 7


Dr. Virendra Singh               At the out-set let me express my appreciation to all the esteemed faculty,
                                 delegates and all the office bearers of Indian College of Chest Physicians and
Chairman - Scientific Committee   National College of Chest Physicians for their immense contribution towards
NAPCON 2021                      making NAPCON Varanasi a highly memorable and successful meeting.

                                 The robust scientific program was planned considering the need for deliberations
                                 in the cutting-edge areas of our speciality and invited faculty were acknowledged
                                 experts in their respective fields. With the scientific extravaganzas panning
                                 across multiple halls, it is impossible for anyone to keep a track of the entire
                                 scientific program. Therefore, from this angle, Highlights of NAPCON -
                                 Summary of Proceedings issue should be of tremendous help in giving a quick
                                 insight of the entire deliberation in a snap-shot

                                 The Highlights of NAPCON - Summary of Proceedings publication, therefore
                                 is important in bringing together a presentation wise wrap-up of the entire
                                 conference. This publication will now be made available in both printed and an
                                 e-book format. I have no doubt that this will be a useful resource material for all

Dr. Rajesh Swarnakar             I am indeed glad to sum up the highly successful Annual Meeting of NAPCON
                                 2021, which was held in the holy city of Varanasi between 31st March and 3rd
Secretary - India Chest Society  April 2022, as among the most memorable and successful conferences in recent

                                 The enthusiasm of speakers and delegates during the conference was indeed
                                 overwhelming and their interest to present and interact was very evident. The
                                 sheer number of delegates who were present in different halls spoke highly about
                                 the quality of science that was deliberated here. With the scientific extravaganza
                                 panning across multiple parallel Halls, it is impossible for anyone to keep a
                                 track of the entire scientific program. Therefore from this angle, a Summary of
                                 Proceedings Book in both print and digital format should be of tremendous help
                                 in giving a quick insight of the entire deliberation in a snap-shot.

                                 I would like to convey my gratitude to all the esteemed speakers and delegates
                                 for their active participation during this meeting and the entire Local Organizing
                                 Team led very well by Dr. J K Samariya and Dr. Kumar Utsav and for extending
                                 their unstinting support. Let me also thank all the office bearers of Indian Chest
                                 Society and the National College of Chest Physicians for their contributions to
                                 this highly successful meeting.

                                 I firmly believe that this publication will find an important place in your personal
                                 librar y.
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