Page 11 - Highlights of Napcon 2021
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80. Quality Improvement in Healthcare – With                             94. Yoga in Asthma ......................................... 109
        Special Reference to NTEP ......................... 95                    Dr. Surya Kant
         Dr. Salil Bhargava
                                                                         95. Dual Versus Triple Drug Therapy in COPD,
81. Severe Asthma – Sting is in The Tail ..............96                        Which is Better? ....................................... 110
         Dr. Sanjeev Mehta                                                        Dr. V Sharma, Dr. Neel Thakkar

82. Occupational Lung Diseases: Do We Under/                             96. Aspirin-Exacerbated Respirator y Disease .... 112
        Misdiagnose ILDS? ...................................... 97               Dr. V K Jain
         Dr. Sanjeev Sinha
                                                                         97. Bronchial Thermoplasty –
83. Future Prospects of Drug-Resistant                                           Relevance to Indian Setting ........................ 113
        Tuberculosis ............................................... 98           Dr. V R Pattabhiraman
         Dr. Santosh Kumar
                                                                         98. Smokers Cough:
84. Biologicals in Asthma .................................. 99                  A neglected entity in pre-COPD .................. 114
         Dr. Savita Jindal                                                        Dr. Vamsi Krishna M

85. Rehabilitation strategies in ICU                                     99. Airway Diseases: (Asthma):
        sur vivors after critical illness ......................100              How will Recent Research Change
         Dr. Sharad Joshi                                                        My Advice from Tomorrow? ........................ 115
                                                                                  Dr. Ved Prakash
86. Prevalence of asthma and
        risk factors in India ................................... 101    100. Diabetic Pneumopathy ............................... 116
         Dr. Sheetu Singh                                                         Dr. Veerottam Tomer

87. Air way Diseases - COPD:                                             101. Clinical Approach to Diffuse Alveolar
        How will Recent Research Change                                          Hemorrhage ..............................................117
        My Advice from Tomorrow? ........................ 102                     Dr. Vijay Hadda
         Dr. Sonali Trivedi
                                                                         102. Respirator y Health from Menarche to
88. Should ICS be Given to Ever y                                                Menopause .............................................. 118
        Asthmatic Patient? ....................................103                Dr. Vijayalakshmi Thanasekaraan
         Dr. Sonia Dalal, Dr. Gaurav Singhal
                                                                         103. Lung Transplantation for Covid ...................119
89. How Recent Guidelines will Change My                                          Dr. Vijil Rahulan
        Prescription on NTM from Tomorrow? .........104
         Dr. Subhakar Kandi                                              104. Managing Complications of Pneumonia ....... 120
                                                                                  Dr. Vikas Jaiswal
90. TB & Silicosis: A Burning Problem in
        Growth of India ........................................ 105     105. Asthma Precision Medicine:
         Dr. Subir Kumar Dey                                                     Pheno-endotyping Guided Therapy ............ 121
                                                                                  Dr. Vikas Marwah
91. How are the New Global Asthma
        Guidelines Helping the Treatment of                              106. New Frontiers in Management of Hospital
        My Patients Differently? ............................. 106               Violence: The Gandhian Approach .............. 122
         Dr. Sudhanshu Kalra                                                      Dr. Virendra Singh

92. Lungs in Paraquat Poisoning ......................107                107. Setting Up an Asthma Clinic ...................... 123
         Dr. Sudhir Chaudhri                                                      Dr. Vishal Chopra

93. Combination Therapy in
        Pulmonar y Arterial Hypertension .............. 108
         Dr. Supreet Batra

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