Page 8 - Diabetes Mirror
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Table 2: List of modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for diabetes7             Tantras
                                                                                      and Yantras
Unmodifiable risk factors                  Modifiable risk factors                    for Beating
•	 Genetics                                •	 Overweight/obesity
•	 Gender                                  •	 Poor diet                               Just type Apps for diabetes in
•	 Ethnicity                               •	 Hypertension                                Google and you will find a whole
•	 Age                                     •	 Smoking                                 lot of apps for giving you information
                                           •	 Physical inactivity.                    and many different forms of
                                                                                      assistance such as for diabetes
Eat healthy, avoid smoking and             in which a person has elevated blood       prevention, lifestyle changes, blood
exercise regularly. Well, all know the     glucose levels but is not abnormal         glucose monitoring and reminders
importance of this. If you don’t do        enough to called as diabetes.9 During      for taking medications. Speak to your
them, you may have to bend backwards       the routine health checks, if prediabetes  doctor if you need any assistance
to beat the consequences of a highly       is noted, then it is time to strictly      in choosing these apps. Remember
probable diabetes. International clinical  implement lifestyle changes and seek       the mantra for beating diabetes
recommendations point out that             appropriate medical advice. Several        is to become aware of diabetes,
overweight and obese individuals aged      mobile applications are now available      regularly monitoring blood glucose
between 35 to 70 years must be screened    to help people for preventing diabetes     levels, living a healthy lifestyle and
for abnormal glucose and diabetes and      and monitoring blood glucose levels.       complying with doctor’s advise
the testing must be repeated every         Speak to your doctor for any specific      and treatment. Several easy-to-use
three years if the results are normal.8    recommendations. Remember,                 technologies are available on smart
While, obesity and overweight are          prevention is better than cure and is      phones and devices, described in
strongly associated with type 2 diabetes,  a sure shot way to beat the impact of      more detail in this issue. Use them
not every overweight person may get        diabetes without bending backwards.        prudently.
diabetes. Don’t panic or worry if you are
overweight. Be prudent and speak to your   Apologies if you thought this was high-
doctor to be safe.                         school knowledge but ask yourself, why
                                           can’t we implement this high school
Also be aware of a condition called        knowledge.
prediabetes. Prediabetes is a condition

Mantra 2: Comply with
Prescribed Treatments

If a person has diabetes, then it is       of a medication are causing one to
   important to comply with treatment      stop treatment or there are difficulties
for maintaining normal blood glucose       in adopting lifestyle changes, doctors
levels. Monitoring blood glucose levels,   can be of real help. If forgetfulness is
healthy eating, regular exercise and       causing non-compliance, well you have
avoidance of smoking are important         your family members, many mobile apps
aspects of treating diabetes. Based on     and Alexa to remind you. With Doctors,
the specific requirements, doctors may     your family members and technology
prescribe Insulin and other oral diabetes  around, you should not fall prey to
medications. You will accept that          non-compliance, isn’t it? Remember if
complying with these medications and       you don’t comply, you will have to bend
lifestyle changes is important. However,   backwards to manage the macrovascular
non-compliance is a major problem in       and microvascular complications.
management of diabetes. If side-effects

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