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Editor in Chief	                                                 Foreword

Dr. Vijay Viswanathan                                             From the desk of Hon. Secretary - RSSDI

Vice President, RSSDI                                            Humanity faced its biggest                     We at the Research
                                                                       challenge in the form of an             Society for the Study
Associate Editors	                                               unprecedented pandemic for the                of Diabetes in India
                                                                 last two years. The resilience of its
Dr. Anuj Maheshwari                                              people, the medical machinery and                 (RSSDI), Asia’s
                                                                 quick response from authorities put           largest organization
Vice President, RSSDI                                            us in pole position to redefine and
                                                                 build a robust medical infrastructure.             of researchers
Dr. L. Sreenivasa Murthy                                         However, the world around us is                   and healthcare
                                                                 staring at another crisis in the form a            professionals
Executive Committee, RSSDI                                       silent epidemic – Diabetes.                      for Diabetes, are
                                                                                                                    committed to
Editorial Board - RSSDI                                          While the diabetes numbers across              improving the lives
                                                                 the world are on a meteoric rise, the         of people living with
Dr. Anjali Bhatt, Dr. Asheesh Dhengra                            numbers close to home post-pandemic
Dr. Jimit Vadgama, Dr. Prakash Keswani                           are equally alarming – new studies                     diabetes.
Dr. Supratik Bhattacharya, Dr. Nanditha Arun                     from health experts have found that a
                                                                 significant percentage of the patients    a platform focused on advocacy,
Advisory Board - RSSDI	                                          who required hospitalisation after        research, education, important and
                                                                 contracting Covid, are reporting with     simple tips, and experiences from
Dr. Vasanth Kumar - President                                    diabetes months later despite zero        experts that will help you lead happy,
Dr. Banshi Saboo - Immediate Past President                      history of the illness prior to their     healthy, and fulfilling lives. Here, no
Dr. Brij Makkar - President Elect                                testing Covid positive.                   topic is off limits and it is our mission
Dr. Sanjay Agarwal - Secretary                                                                             to ensure maximum people benefit
Dr. Sujoy Ghosh - Joint Secretary                                We at the Research Society for            from this endeavour. The editorial
Dr. Sunil Gupta - Treasurer                                      the Study of Diabetes in India            board has a strong representation of
Dr. J. K. Sharma - Executive Committee                           (RSSDI), Asia’s largest organization      doctors and expert contributors who
Dr. Prakash Jethwani - Executive Committee                       of researchers and healthcare             have made it a mission to provide
Dr. Sanjay Reddy - Executive Committee                           professionals for Diabetes, are           support, guidance and relatable
Dr. Shalini Jaggi - Executive Committee                          committed to improving the lives          experiences for effective diabetes
Dr. C.R. Anand Moses - Executive Committee                       of people living with diabetes. Our       management. We look forward to
Dr. Bikash Bhattacharjee - Executive Committee                   recently concluded 100-days Defeat        your support and suggestions in our
Dr. Sudhir Bhandari - Executive Committee                        Diabetes Campaign set out to detect       ‘Letters to the Editor’ section that will
Dr. Rakesh Sahay - Co-opted Member                               undiagnosed diabetes, initiate            be a regular feature from our next
Dr. Vijay Panikar - Co-opted Member                              treatment and build the importance        issue onwards.
Dr. Amit Gupta - Co-opted Member                                 of blood sugar levels as the fifth vital
                                                                 sign. The world around us needs           Dr. Sanjay Agarwal
Sub Editors                                                      aggressive diabetes prevention
                                                                 strategies that will create a positive
Dr. Naval Asija, Dr. Anusuya D, Kasturi Kannan                   impact and tackle the problems in our
Art & Graphics
                                                                 These were very strong reasons for
Prafulla Kumar K, Shiva Kumar, M Nagraj                          us at RSSDI to put together logical
                                                                 solutions in ensuring our population
Circulation                                                      are making informed choices when it
                                                                 comes to their health and wellbeing.
Kishor K, Reddy Prakash, D V Jayprakash                          This was a primary reason and
                                                                 an opportune time to launch our
Marketing                                                        magazine that will provide people
                                                                 with the right information which is
Kiran M, Bharat Kumar, Shashikanth                               coherent, simple to follow, and arms
                                                                 them with the right solutions to
Concept                                                          manage and keep diabetes at bay.

B S Raghuram                                                     With this, I welcome you to the
                                                                 Inaugural Edition of ‘Diabetes Mirror’,
Printed & Published by
                                                                                                           I BETES MIRROR 1
No. 135, Brigade Tower, 7th Floor, 703-704, Brigade Road
Bangalore - 560 025. Phone : 080 - 48511458

All rights reserved. Material may only be reproduced by prior
arrangement and with due acknowledgment of the publisher.
The publication of an advertisement or product review does
not imply that a product is recommended by the publisher.

Disclaimer: Diabetes Mirror Magazine contains news, stories
and developments relevant to the medical domain compiled
by the editorial team for the benefit of patients and medical
professionals. While the attempt is to provide information that
is in line with the evolving trends, the publisher assumes no
responsibility for the validity, completeness and correctness
of the information provided. Readers are recommended to
recheck claims made in this publication before employing
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