Page 7 - Diabetes Mirror
P. 7

Beating diabetes without bending
backwards! What does it mean? You can
think of the phrase “bending backwards”
in three contexts. If you don’t take steps
to prevent diabetes (see table 2), you will
have to bend-backwards for treating it.
If you get diabetes, and don’t achieve
glycemic control, you will have to bend
backwards to prevent the microvascular
and macrovascular complications of
diabetes. The loss of productivity and
financial burden of diabetes will force
one to bend backwards in terms of
managing personal pockets, health care
coffers, eroding quality of life and burden
on family members. 6

If you want to beat diabetes without         Table 1: Complications of Diabetes5
bending backwards then the mantra is
simple. Stretch (don’t bend!) yourself to    Macrovascular complications of                  Microvascular complications of
prevent diabetes when you are normal.        diabetes                                        diabetes
Comply with treatments and lifestyle
modifications if you have diabetes. To       •	 Coronary heart disease                       •	 Retinopathy
implement these two mantras, one             •	 Cardiomyopathy                               •	 Nephropathy
may need another mantra and that is          •	 Arrhythmias                                  •	 Neuropathy
awareness of diabetes. Well, if one needs    •	 Sudden death
a “tantra” to implement these mantras,       •	 Cerebrovascular disease
then numerous smart technologies             •	 Peripheral artery disease
are available on your “yantras” called
mobile phones and smart devices. These       Mantra 1: Prevent Diabetes
technologies are useful for promoting
awareness and providing personalized         You may already know it, but for the            pancreas and reduce its ability to make
reminders for complying with diagnostic,          sake of formal literary aesthetics, let’s  insulin. In type 2 diabetes cells become
preventative, and treatment related          begin by understanding diabetes. Cells          resistant to insulin action and pancreas
specifics of diabetes management. If you     of our body need energy and this energy         become unable to produce the necessary
use these mantras, tantras and yantras       comes from glucose. Insulin, a hormone          amount of insulin to overcome this
prudently, you then don’t have to bend       made by an endocrine gland called               resistance. Studies indicate that most
backwards, and we can aspire to beat         pancreas helps in transporting glucose          cases of diabetes (about 90-95%) belong
diabetes individually and collectively as    from blood into the cells. In people with       to the type 2 category. There is a third
a society.                                   diabetes, the transport of glucose from         category of diabetes, which is seen
                                             blood to cells does not happen resulting        in pregnant women and is called as
                                             in high blood glucose levels. When cells        gestational diabetes.
                                             do not get enough energy, they will
                                             obviously malfunction, isn’t it?                Diabetes can be prevented and to do
                                                                                             so, one must understand the factors
                                             There are two types of diabetes called          that cause it (see table 2). The term
                                             type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In type 1           modifiable risk factors means that if you
                                             diabetes, which is an auto immune               have those risk factors, you must try to
                                             condition, the immune cells attack              remove them.

                                                                                             I BETES MIRROR 5
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