
Greetings. At the outset, I would like to express my appreciation to the executive committee and all members of EAP, esteemed faculty, delegates and the entire organizing team for their immense contribution towards making this EAP 2023 MasterCourse and Congress as a highly memorable and successful meeting.
The great joy of practicing medicine and especially pediatrics is that we dwell in a land of advancing frontiers. In the last five to ten years clinical medicine has witnessed a rapid stride forward, the pattern, profile, and presentation of the diseases are changing fast. Accordingly, every pediatrician has a challenge of keeping abreast with these latest advances in the diagnosis and management of diseases.
The robust scientific program of the EAP Congress and MasterCourse was planned considering the need for deliberations in the cutting-edge areas of our specialty for both senior and junior doctors, covering important clinical subjects and the invited faculty were acknowledged experts in their respective fields
Therefore from that perspective, a Highlights eBook of this important meeting, has been aimed at providing readers with a good insight of this conference and the master class as a whole, even much after the completion of the conference.
I firmly believe that this highlights publication can immensely contribute to readers towards their quest for continuous learning. I hope our efforts towards bringing out this unique publication is recognized and presume that it will find an important place in your personal library.

Happy reading!

Adamos Hadjipanayis
President, EAP
Chair, Scientific Committee – EAP Congress

Klub Class Publications