Page 8 - Specialist
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Academic Program                            DICE (Digital Interactive                      discussion with two chairpersons in the
                                             Clinical Echocardiography)                     Poster Area. Then there were the Poster
 The Academic program was                                                                   sessions, which consisted of a visual
 covered by a surfeit of informative         Case presentations designed to highlight       display of research highlights. And finally,
 topics covered under the titles –           difficult diagnoses or clinically significant  there was the Young Investigators’ Award
  •	 Guest Lecture		                         findings were held. These sessions, full       session. Here the three best abstracts
  •	 Symposia                                of interesting cases on selected topics,       from junior investigators were selected
  •	 Coronary Artery Disease                 constituted an active arena for National       for oral presentation and were judged by
  •	 Echocardiography                        Societies on Echocardiography and ESC          a panel of experts. The First Place winner
  •	 Interventional Cardiology               Working Groups to illustrate clinical          was invited to the next American Society
  •	 Cardiac Surgery                         cases.                                         of Echocardiography’s Annual Meeting
  •	 Cerebro Vascular Disease                                                               (ASE 2009) to present his/her works.
  •	 Congenital Heart Disease                Satellite Symposia
  •	 Rheumatic fever                                                                        Fun times at Lyon
  •	 Valvular Heart Disease                  They were organised by companies
  •	 Cardiac Arrhythmias                     with an interest in clinical applications      Since December 8th, 1852, Lyon has
  •	 Clinical Cardiology                     of Cardiovascular Ultrasound. Co-              enjoyed privileged relationships with
  •	 Cardiomyopathies                        operation between clinicians, researchers      light. Anyone wandering the town by
  •	 Pregnancy and Heart disease             and pharmaceutical and technical               night will notice the illumination that
  •	 Industry vision                         industries has significantly contributed to    make the contours of the rivers stand out
  •	 Pulmonary hypertension                  a better understanding and management          and cast their glow on the monumental
  •	 Commonly Used Technologies              of patients with cardiovascular diseases.      frontages of the city’s main buildings.
  •	 Training and Ethics                     This was reflected in these Symposia.
  •	 Biomarkers for Clinicians                                                                  Delegates enjoyed the “Festival of
  •	 Tips On Commonly Used                   Abstract-based sessions                        Lights” - in French “Fête des Lumières”
                                                                                            – which illuminates the city every
    Medicines                                Among these was the Oral Abstract              December. And a glass of France’s best
                                             sessions, which were competitive sessions      wine by the side only served to dazzle
    They also highlighted recent progress    in which the results of original research      delegates more. During the day, delegates
in understanding the mechanisms of           on cardiovascular ultrasound were              took in the city which is known for its
disease and the implementation of new        presented. There were also Moderated           historical and architectural landmarks
diagnostic tools.                            Poster sessions, where the authors of the      and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
                                             best abstracts from each poster session
Teaching Courses in                          briefly illustrated the content of their           And those with a yen for the museum
Echocardiography                             abstract and then took part in a specific      went to the African Museum of Lyon, one
                                                                                            of its oldest museums. n
This course was aimed at all persons
wanting to enhance their capabilities and    Conference Highlights
visual experience in echocardiography
and covered basic and typical clinical       The highlights at the conference included
problems in ischaemic heart disease,         •	 Imaging campus - a joint collaboration between EuroEcho and
valvular heart disease, cardiovascular
intensive care, stress echo and other            Industry which offered a unique one-on-one, hands-on learning
topics.                                          experience.

    The course featured several interactive  •	 Special sessions which were grouped in a dedicated area to focus on
case study sessions and lectures oriented        high technology techniques: Small animals, Engineers, Computers,
towards illustrative cases so as to ensure       Digital echocardiography and Honorary Lectures.
as much practical relevance and how-to
education as possible.                       •	 ‘The Edler Lecture’ which was delivered by Professor Raimund Erbel,
                                                 during the opening ceremony while ‘The EuroEcho Lecture’ was given
                                                 by Professor Bijoy Khandheria.

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