Page 4 - Specialist
P. 4


   Editorial Board                                             Prevention is
   Dr. S S Iyengar                                             better than cure

    Prof. & Head,                                                  Exercise, make lifestyle changes, cut                    Dr. Jamshed Dalal
    Department of Cardiology,                                  down on cholesterol, don’t smoke, find                        Consultant Cardiologist,
    St. John’s Medical College Hospital,                       stress busters – these are the buzz words             Wockhardt Heart Hospital, Mumbai
    Bangalore.                                                 when we reach middle age. There is no
                                                               gain without pain and this is so true for    disease by 2050. As we adopt a western
   Dr. K M Prasanna Kumar                                      those of us who are addicted to cigarettes,  lifestyle, urban India is looking down the
    Senior Prof. & Head,                                       love our French fries and calorie-laden      barrel of a gun. Indians are not genetically
    Dept. of Endocrinology & Metabolism,                       desserts and live life in the fast lane.     more prone to heart disease, it’s just that
    M. S. Ramaiah Medical College &                                                                         risk factors have been underestimated.
    Memorial Hospital, Bangalore.                                  According to Jack Lewin, CEO,
   Dr. Sarat Chandra K                                         American College of Cardiology, over             The Indian Council of Medical
    Additional Professor,                                      the last eight years, there has been a 29    Research and Apollo Hospitals will soon
    Dept. of Cardiology,                                       per cent reduction in sudden cardiac         bring out India-specific guidelines that
    Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences,                     deaths in USA. That was achieved             will bring in new and lower threshold
    Hyderabad.                                                 through a combination of using advance       levels for risk factors such as diabetes,
                                                               imaging techniques, interventions and        hypertension and lipid profiles that
Medical Accuracy                                               prevention strategies. Banning smoking       should be the mantra for every Indian
                                                               in public places, encouraging people to      trying to beat heart disease. With modern
Dr. Yogesh Kothari                                             periodically test their BP, cholesterol      technology like cardiac imaging and
Interventional Cardiologist and                                and blood sugar in combination with          other non-invasive and invasive cardiac
Electrophysiologist, Trinity Heart Foundation,                 pharmacology and technology help             diagnosis, it’s not the end of the road.
Bangalore.                                                     reduce the number of people suddenly
                                                               dropping dead of a heart attack.                  They say don’t trouble trouble, until
Content Support                                                                                             trouble troubles you. But that may not
                                                                   There was a time when women              be a good thing if heart disease is what
Amrisha Sinha, Anand Chakroborty,                              were thought to be beyond the ambit of       you are talking about because catching
Mary Jannet C J, Rashmi Sequeira,                              heart disease, but guess what, Women’s       the disease early will save you much
Spurthi Naik                                                   Lib may have brought in many benefits,       heartache and expense.
                                                               but it brought heart disease too on their
Art & Graphics                                                 doorstep. Post-menopause, when the body
                                                               does not produce estrogen, it’s almost a
Aruvin Kumar D, Lakshmikantha K                                level playing feild.
Nagaraj P S, Shivkumar M R
Shruti S Hegde                                                     In India, the bad news is that the
                                                               western parameters used to test risk may
Ezine                                                          not hold good anymore and like diabetes,
                                                               which is of epidemic proportions, cardiac
P Umamaheshwar Rao, P C Nazar                                  disease is a sleeping monster waiting
                                                               to wake up. Heart disease risks in the
Circulation                                                    country are four times higher than in the
                                                               west and six to eight times higher than
K K Cariappa, Naveen Krishnaraju                               in Asian countries. According to WHO,
Prithvi Rai, Priyanka Verma                                    India would be the world capital of heart
Raghuveera Kamath


Dr. Ashwin Kumar B S


B S Raghuram

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 Disclaimer: Specialist and Specialist Plus contains news,
 stories and developments relevant to the medical domain
 compiled by the editorial team for the benefit of medical
 professionals. While the attempt is to provide information
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