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Workshop Focus: A Child Passing                                                                                                                         Added
Red Urine – How Do I Manage                                                                                                                        Attractions
Hematuria in Children?

In an Interaction with                          history in which he discussed clinical clues        attention in the workshop. He used as
Dr. A. S. Vasudev                               to identify the etiology of hematuria               many as seven cases to emphasize the
                                                (Figure 1).                                         individualized management of this critical
The Practical Nephrology For Pediatricians                                                          condition. Lastly, the participants were also
Workshop of PEDICON 2022 (March 19)               ‡ 3HULRUELWDOSXIÀQHVV2OLJXULDGDUN          fascinated by the conclusions reached by
was a stupendous success. All sessions               XULQH+7(GHPD                              Dr. Vasudev (Figure 2).
were adored by the participants and
the session by Dr. A. S. Vasudev was               *ORPHUXODUFDXVH$*116                       ‡ 7KHFRPPRQHVWFDXVHRIJORPHUXODU
particularly revered by everyone. In this         ‡ )HYHU$EGSDLQG\VXULDIUHTXHQF\                KHPDWXULDLV36*13,*1
session chaired by Dr. Dheeraj Bahl and            87,
Dr. P. K. Pruthi, Dr. Vasudev discussed the       ‡ 5HF$EGSDLQG\VXULDZLWKKHPDWXULD              5HFRUG%3RIDOOVLFNFKLOGUHQ
peculiarities and difficulties of managing          8UROLWKLVLV+\SHUFDOFLXULD                     ‡ 7KRVHZLWK53*1RUJORPHUXODUGLVRUGHU
hematuria in children. The quality of the         ‡ 5HFHQWVRUHWKURDWVNLQLQIHFWLRQ
session was not only appreciated by the                                                                  RWKHUWKDQ3,*1ZLOOQHHGDNLGQH\
attendees but also by the chairpersons.              3RVWLQIHFWLRXV*13,*1                           ELRSV\UHIHUUDO
                                                  ‡ 0HGLFDWLRQV16$,'V9LW'                     ‡ &RPPRQFDXVHVRIQRQJORPHUXODU
Although Dr. Vasudev covered the topic                                                                   KHPDWXULDDUHFDOFXOL	K\SHUFDOFLXULD
thoroughly, several parts of his session             $QWLFRDJXODQWV                                  ‡ 3UHVHQFHRIPLFURVFRSLFKHPDWXULD
were particularly found helpful by the                                                                   DQGSURWHLQXULDSRUWHQGDVLJQLÀFDQW
workshop participants. One such aspect          Figure 1. Clinical Pointers in History                   GLVHDVHQHHGDUHQDOELRSV\
was the section on clinical pointers in                                                               ‡ 3DWLHQWVZLWKUHFXUUHQWJURVVKHPDWXULD
                                                To everyone’s benefit, he classified the                   DQGQRREYLRXVFDXVHQHHGHYDOXDWLRQ
                                                investigations into two groups: those useful
                                                for the generalist and the nephrologist.            Figure 2. Key Messages
                                                When to refer the patient to a nephrologist
                                                was another topic that caught everyone’s

Theme; Genes to Teens: Mission & Dreams

In Dialog with                                  years, still India lags behind several other        resuscitation program of the IAP) also         such innovation, which is perhaps included
Dr. Santosh T Soans &                           countries in under-5 mortality rate.                aim to upgrade essential and advanced          for the first time in any major conference of
Dr. S. S. Kamath                                Dr. Kamath pointed out that high under-5            neonatalogy skills and knowledge. The          this scale. He also emphasized watching out
                                                mortality is not a pan-India problem. In fact,      focus on neonatal care is also reflected in     for the CME on vaccinology as it addresses
#HAIRPERSONS3CIENTIlC#OMMITTEE             many states have reached U5MR below                 the selection of the 400 free papers received  many controversies on vaccines. Similarly,
PEDICON 2022                                    20 but it is mainly restricted to 57 districts      by the committee and the 4 award papers.       the international CME includes for the
                                                with unacceptably high neonatal mortality.                                                         first time a session on the growth of IAP
PEDICON TIMES had a wonderful                   These identified pockets are a major cause           Besides, neonatal care, there has been the     beyond Indian borders. Both the scientific
interaction with Dr. Santosh T Soans and        of concern. The IAP is making several               inclusion of several innovative subjects in    chairpersons welcomed the participants and
Dr. S. S. Kamath, the chairpersons of the       inroads into this specific problem that is a         PEDICON 2022. Dr. Kamath pointed out           solicited their full participation.
scientific committee for PEDICON 2022.           national priority. One of them according to         that the medical education CME is one
The chairpersons unveiled the major             Dr. Soans is the great focus on neonatology
highlights of this year’s scientific program     in the scientific program of PEDICON 2022,
to us. Here, we report the key findings from     which strives to advance the knowledge
our interaction with the chairpersons.          and skills of the participants in neonatal
                                                care, including intensive neonatal care.
Dr. Soans highlighted that though we have       Dr. Kamath pointed out that along with
made tremendous progress in improving           the main conference, the pre-conference
neonatal care in India over the last few        CME and workshops, as well as the post-
                                                conference workshops (per the neonatal

IAP Fully In-Sync With
India’s Needs; Focus on
U5MR 25 by 25

Dr. Remesh Kumar R                              pediatricians but also general practitioners,
                                                nursing, and paramedical personnel in
0RESIDENT)NDIAN!CADEMY                      skills related to child health programs. For
of Pediatrics                                   the achievement of the goal of U5MR 25
                                                by 25, IAP has identified 57 key districts
PEDICON TIMES was privileged to meet            and special strategies to improve advanced
Dr. Remesh Kumar R, President-Elect, IAP.       neonatal care in those districts.
We asked his opinions about the PEDICON
2022 and the role of IAP in nation-building.    2. IAP committed to eliminating
Here, we report the five takeaway points         tuberculosis by 2025: According to Dr.
from our interaction.                           Remesh, India has committed to eliminating
                                                tuberculosis by 2025 under the leadership
1. IAP fully aware of its role in U5MR 25       of honorable prime minister Mr. Narendra
By 25: As said by Dr. Remesh, the IAP will      Modi. IAP is fully in sync with these needs.
continue to undertake several initiatives in    IAP has received several grants from the
its private capacity as well as in partnership  ministry of health and family welfare for
with sister agencies and the ministry of        the capacity building of health personnel
health, Government of India. The main role
of IAP is in the capacity building of not only                                 Continued to Page 4
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