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Welcome to Pedicon Noida

Dr. Remesh Kumar R                            Dr. Upendra Kinjawadekar                         Dr. Piyush Gupta                               Dr. Vineet Saxena

President                                     President - Elect                                Immediate Past President                       Secretar y General and
                                                                                                                                              Organising Chairperson, PEDICON 2022
It is indeed my pleasure to welcome all the   I am honored to welcome you to the               I welcome all the learned pediatricians to
practicing pediatricians, academicians, and   august and largest gathering of Indian           this signature event of the year, the 59th     On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it
residents to the gala academic extravaganza   pediatricians. PEDICON 2022 is a                 Annual Conference of the Indian Academy        gives me immense pleasure to welcome you
of PEDICON 2022. The program has              massive platform for the dissemination of        of Pediatrics, in Noida. Building on the       to PEDICON 2022. Noida resembles the
already shaped up to be excellent, and the    knowledge, networking, innovations, and          success of previous PEDICONs, the theme        epitome of modernity among Indian cities.
learning and networking opportunities         collaboration. Our collaborative efforts         for 2022 is Genes to Teens: Mission &          I believe having this year’s PEDICON in
will be indeed outstanding. I am sure, the    have the power to change our destiny. This       Dreams. I look forward to the excellent        Noida symbolizes the adoption of modern
backdrop of the modern city of Noida will     is the best time to focus your attention on      discussions, that are the hallmark of the      evidence-based practices in pediatric
add to the pleasure of the meeting and        the recent outstanding achievements in           PEDICON, surrounding the latest science        medicine at an ever-increasing pace. Please
provide lasting memories beyond science. I    the field of pediatrics. I am sure PEDICON        on these topics as well as on other most       make the best use of PEDICON 2022 to
convey my many thanks to the Organizing       2022 will offer you top-level quality research   pressing topics of our times. I add my best    broaden and magnify your insights into
Committee that has done an exceptional        and knowledge. So friends, let’s participate     wishes for a successful conference and my      the recent research and cutting-edge
job of organizing this event in these tough   wholeheartedly in this grand gathering. I        thanks to all organizers.                      technologies in pediatrics. I wish you great
times.                                        add my best wishes for a fruitful PEDICON                                                       success in extracting the maximum value
                                              2022.                                                                                           out of PEDICON 2022. Your presence
                                                                                                                                              will indeed make PEDICON 2022 a truly
                                                                                                                                              memorable event!

Dr. Ar vind Garg                              Dr. Ruchira Gupta                                Dr. Vineet Tyagi                               Dr. Piyali Bhattachar ya

Organising Chairperson                        Chief Organising Secretar y                      Treasurer                                      Co - Organising Chairperson

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it     On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I         On behalf of the Organizing Committee,         It is my privilege to welcome you to
is my great pleasure and honor to welcome     take great pride in welcoming the esteemed       I am delighted to welcome the countless        PEDICON 2022. The PEDICON is the
you to PEDICON 2022. Uttar Pradesh is         pediatricians representing all parts of          pediatricians from all corners of India to     premier platform for the presentation of
hosting this prestigious event after a long   India in PEDICON Noida. I hope that              PEDICON 2022, which is happening in one        emerging science and technology as well
gap of almost 40 years. Given the grand       you will find a pleasant stay in Noida and        of the largest exhibition centers in India in  as networking opportunities. PEDICON
size and culture of the UP, we have aimed     have a memorable and rewarding learning          heart of one of the most modern and livable    2022 is the largest gathering of Indian
to deliver a never before seen experience     experience that you will cherish for years       Indian cities. It is indeed my privilege to    pediatricians. The scientific program is
in PEDICON 2022. I hope PEDICON 2022          to come. At the same time, please make the       welcome the delegates and faculty to the       both exciting and ground-breaking in
will set a benchmark for forthcoming          best use of PEDICON 2022 for networking          59th annual conference of the IAP. We wish     its wide-ranging and multidisciplinary
PEDICONs because of its extraordinary         given that this is the largest gathering of the  to make your experience excellent not          content with relevance to both generalists
scientific program designed to fulfill          finest minds in pediatrics. So friends, let’s     only in terms of learning but also in terms    and specialists. In addition to abstract
every participant’s quest for learning        participate passionately in this magnificent      of hospitality and entertainment. I look       presentations and lectures by renowned
and development. I look forward to your       congregation. I send you my best wishes for      forward to your enthusiastic participation in  speakers, we also offer workshops and
exciting participation in PEDICON 2022.       a treasured experience.                          PEDICON 2022.                                  CMEs for your all-round professional
                                                                                                                                              growth. I wish you luck in making the
                                                                                                                                              optimal use of PEDICON 2022.

CME Spotlight: Going Beyond Borders – Can We
Start IAP Branches Among the Pediatric Diaspora?

Tete A Tete with                              The panelists discussed several issues,          Figure 1. Delegates of the CME: Going Beyond Borders
Dr. Ranjan K Pejaver                          including the potential areas of cooperation,
                                              regulatory and logistical hurdles, execution     stated that “We plan to begin with             Dr. Pejaver sees great scope for this
One of the major attractions of the           plan, timelines, and the need for country-       targeting people of Indian origin settled      initiative as expressed by him “The
PEDICON 2022 CME on 20th March                specific planning. It was highlighted             abroad, particularly in the middle-east.” He   potential for collaboration with these
was the International CME, which saw          that numerous areas can be explored for          mentioned that the first branch in UAE is       international branches is immense, we are
participation from several countries besides  international cooperation, such as CMEs,         up and running and there are many more         following the mantra of “Learn, Share, &
India, including the UAE, and the UK.         academics, student exchange, faculty             in the pipeline, including branches in Oman    Progress” to bring our goal of going beyond
                                              exchange, guest lectures, fellowships, multi-    and Bahrain.                                   borders to reality.”
Although the audience was amazed by           center trials, joint conferences, etc.
all sessions, here we focus on the panel
discussion on the progress made by the        Regarding the rationale for this initiative,
Beyond Borders Committee of the Indian        Dr. Ranjan K Pejaver, Convener, Beyond
Academy of Pediatrics. The session was        Borders Committee, Indian Academy of
chaired by Dr. Santosh T Soans and Dr.        Pediatrics said “IAP has a larger repository
Yashwanth Rao and moderated by Dr.            of digital resources including lectures,
Ranjan K. Pejaver. The panelists included:    seminars, tutorials. It is time to take them
Dr. Raj P Warrier, Dr. SS Kamath, Dr. Sunny   beyond Indian borders.”
MN Kurian, Dr. Uday Bodhankar, Dr.
Naveen Thacker, and Dr. Bivan Saha.           Further, regarding the enrolment of
                                              international participants, Dr. Pejaver
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