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3 Not To Miss !
Well Begun Is Well Done – A Talk by
Mapping the Resounding
Success of AICOG Kolkata Shri Gaur
Gopal Das
In Conversation With 13 different halls. Additionally, there are
Dr. Bhaskar Pal cultural extravaganzas every evening January 6, 2023
during the conference. Most importantly,
AICOG Times caught up with Dr. Bhaskar let me mention here that, the state of 5 pm onwards
Pal, the dynamic Chair of the Organizing Bengal welcomes each one of you with its
Committee of AICOG 2023. We are indeed warm hospitality, and may I request the At Swami
glad to provide glimpses of his journey in delegates to explore the rich cultural and Vivekananda Hall
the run-up to this hugely successful annual culinary heritage of this state.
meeting held in the City of Joy, Kolkata. Added Attractions
Let’s hear from him! AT: I am sure this success has not
come easy, it should have taken tireless GALA DINNER
Inter view Begins. perseverance and effort by yourself and & Musical Night
your other team members. Can you tell us
AICOG Times (AT): Dr. Pal, hearty more about this journey? January 6, 2023
congratulations on the resounding success
of AICOG 2023. How do you summarize Dr. Pal: Indeed it has taken a lot of GOLD ACRES
your journey in this regard? effort, dedication, and sacrifice from me
and our entire organizing team towards PritamP C Chandra Gardens
Dr. Pal: Thank you! To begin with, I hosting this meeting successfully, it has &
would like to summarize it in one word: been no easy task for sure. Having said Nakash Aziz, Shalmali Kholgade
Fascinating. Despite multiple challenges that, Well, let me, first of all, thank all the Antara Mitra, Amit Mishra
we faced as a team, we kept our Josh high FOGSI office bearers for extending their Mohammed Irfan
and ultimately overcame them. This was support to us, and most importantly let
certainly a memorable learning experience me thank each and every person from
for all of us. It is a pleasure to see all those the BOGS managing committee and my
efforts bearing fruit today as a successful entire team of Organizing Committee
AICOG 2023. without whom this conference wouldn’t
have been possible. We made sure that no
AT: Despite these challenges, we see stone was left unturned towards creating a
that AICOG 2023 meets all expectations congenial experience for all our delegates
in science, hospitality, and as well as during AICOG may it be science, social,
entertainment. Could you explain what has networking, or entertainment.
gone into the success of AICOG 2023?
AT: Thank you very much for talking to us
Dr. Pal: First of all, let me say that the and we sincerely hope that other upcoming
scientific program is like a backbone to AICOGs continue to match the high
AICOG conferences, whatever I say to benchmarks that you have set for them.
praise the scientific team will be inadequate.
Just to give you the scale of science that Dr. Pal: I will be glad to pass on our inputs
is being disseminated here, there are 15 and learnings to others in the future, let
workshops out of which four of them are me also say here that in the next few days
Live, then there is the prestigious CG during this conference, we look forward to
Saraiya CME & thecommittee workshops, showcasing this AICOG meeting as among
followed by an enriching conference in the most memorable AICOG conferences
held in the recent times.
Inter view Ends.
We hope you liked this conversation with
Dr. Bhaskar Pal. We wish you a pleasant
stay in Kolkata and wish you a happy and
enriching AICOG 2023.
Workshop & CME Spotlight
medicine, medical disorders in pregnancy, Continued from page 1
and breast disorders. The committees of
international academic exchange, medical of user-friendly labor care, standardized
education, clinical research, and public labor induction protocols, and a bundle
awareness discussed the issues involved approach to implementing emergency PPH
in these important offbeat subjects. The care. The session on artificial intelligence
FOGSI-JOGI-PICSEP workshop saw the described its applications in cervical
stalwarts of medical research areas of cancer screening, reproductive medicine,
research methodology, literature review, and enhancing access to contraception
medical statistics, and scientific writing for marginalized groups. The session on
spelling out the secret sauce to reach precision gynecologic surgery reviewed
excellence in these academically crucial both minimally invasive technologies and
areas. newer techniques that can improve surgical
outcomes of myomectomy and vaginal
This year’s CME sessions focused on hysterectomy.
four main themes: optimizing labor care
and surviving severe complications, Overall, these workshops and CME
applications of artificial intelligence, sessions left their participants grossly
new frontiers in reproductive health, enriched in terms of essential and advanced
and enhancing precision in gynecologic knowledge and skills in obstetrics and
surgery. In particular, the session on gynecology practice and teaching. Most
labor care emphasized the importance of them were mesmerized by what they
learned at these workshops.