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Welcome to AICOG 2023, Kolkata

Dr. Hrishikesh D Pai                                             Dr. Madhuri Patel                              Dr. S Shantha Kumari                           Dr. Jaydeep Tank

President, FOGSI                                                 Secretar y General, FOGSI                      Immediate Past President, FOGSI                President Elect, FOGSI

I extend a warm welcome to all the                               It is my privilege to welcome you to           I am pleased to welcome you to AICOG           My greetings to all the learned obstetricians
distinguished delegates to AICOG Kolkata,                        this august gathering of AICOG 2023.           2023, Kolkata. The well-planned academic       and gynaecologists attending this signature
the 65th All India Congress of Obstetrics                        The AICOGs are huge platforms for the          sessions will enhance the technical skills     event, AICOG 2023, the 65th All India
and Gynecology organized by The Bengal                           dissemination of knowledge, networking,        and development of obstetricians and           Congress of Obstetric & Gynecology
Obstetric and Gynaecological Society in                          innovations, and collaboration. This is the    gynaecologists to face future challenges.      organized by The Bengal Obstetric and
Kolkata. The scientific program of AICOG                         best time to focus your attention on the       The exchange of ideas with renowned            Gynaecological Society, in Kolkata. Building
2023 is par excellence and will provide                          recent outstanding achievements in the         faculty from all over the world will           on the success of previous AICOGs, the
an opportunity for new learning and                              field of obstetrics and gynecology. I am sure  contribute to the learning process for         theme for 2023 is Creating Tomorrow
networking. I wish every FOGSI member                            AICOG 2023 will offer you top-level quality    everyone and will definitely have an impact    Together. I look forward to the excellent
a bright future, healthy life, and success                       research and knowledge. So friends, let’s      on improving clinical practice along with      discussions, that are the hallmark of the
in all their endeavors. But we should also                       live up to their expectations and participate  the necessity for the implementation of        AICOGs, surrounding the latest science on
remember that our very purpose of living                         wholeheartedly in this grand gathering. My     technology and innovations. I congratulate     the most pressing topics of our times. My
and our every success should benefit our                         best wishes for a fruitful AICOG 2023 and a    the organizing team for their hard work and    best wishes for a successful conference and
society and make life meaningful to live for                     heartfelt thanks to the organizers for their   excellent planning of the scientific program.  many thanks to all organizers.
us, for our brethren and everyone in our                         persistent efforts and hard work.
country and the planet. Jai Hind !
Long Live FOGSI

Dr. Bhaskar Pal                                                  Dr. Dibyendu Banerjee                          Dr. Basab Mukherjee                            Dr. Abinash Chandra Ray

Organizing Chairperson                                           Organizing Secretar y                          Organizing Secretar y                          President, BOGS

On behalf of the organizing committee                            It is a truly humbling yet momentous           Let me take this opportunity along with        At the outset let me welcome all of you
of 65th All India Congress of Obstetrics                         occasion for me along with the entire          our conference Chair to welcome 9000+          on behalf of the Bengal Obstetric and
and Gynecology (AICOG 2023), I extend                            organizing committee of the 65th All India     delegates and accompanying persons             Gynaecological Society to our beloved city
a hearty welcome to all of you to the                            Congress of Obstetric and Gynecology to        who have registered for this conference.       Kolkota. AICOG is the annual knowledge
City of Joy. I am indeed grateful for your                       extend a warm welcome to all of you to this    The team of Bengal Obstetric and               festival, and it is a great opportunity to
attendance during these uncertain times                          sprawling new venue, Biswa Bangla Mela         Gynaecological society shall leave no stone    learn from a large number of national
where we are greatly confused if the                             Prangan, in the city of joy Kolkota. We are    unturned towards offering you a pleasant       and international experts. Hats off to the
COVID pandemic is over or not. On our                            indeed thankful to FOGSI for providing         and enjoyable stay in Kolkata. The scientific  entire organizing committee for tirelessly
part, we have tried our best to create a                         Bengal Obstetric & Gynaecological Society      team has done a commendable work for           working day and night towards making this
carnival like atmosphere in this magnificent                     the grand opportunity to organise this         stitching together a program including         a very successful meetingwhich is full of
venue where apart from science, you can                          prestigious congress after 15 long years.      practical and clinically relevant topics. We   academics and socio-cultural events. I hope
relax, make new friends, meet old friends,                       We sincerely hope to make this conference      sincerely hope that you will have a pleasant   and expect that all of you will return with
do some shopping, enjoy the food and have                        academically enriching, culturally fulfilling  stay and leave with enduring memories of       lifelong memories and updated knowledge
a good & enriching time together. I hope                         and gastronomically satiating to each one of   your time with us during this 65th All India   from this 65th All India Congress of
and expect you all to return with lifelong                       you. Jai Hind ! Long Live FOGSI                Congress of Obstetric and Gynecology.          Obstetrics and Gynecology. Wish you all a
memories and updated knowledge from this                                                                        Jai Hind ! Long Live FOGSI                     Happy and Prosperous New Year.
65th AlCOG. Jai Hind ! Long Live FOGSI

Consequences of Silent FMH on Rh(-ve) &                                                                          Dydrogesterone – A Preferred
                                                                                                                Choice of Luteal Support in IVF
Latest FOGSI Guideline                                           Continued from page 1

As a result, fetal blood cells move away                         based on the maternal Rh (D) status            Controlled ovarian stimulation techniques      luteal phase. Among these, many patients
from the higher-pressure fetal circulation                       (Figure 2).                                    that are routinely used during IVF mandate     may consider the vaginal and parenteral
into the lower-pressure intervillous space                                                                      the use of exogenous follicle-stimulating      routes inconvenient. In contrast, the oral
and ultimately into the maternal circulation.                    The management of FMH includes                 and gonadotrophin-releasing hormones.          route of administration helps avoid the
Besides the consequences on the current                          strict fetal surveillance and either fetal     However, controlled ovarian stimulation        inconvenience and side effects related
pregnancy, another important consequence                         intravascular transfusion (intrauterine)       often causes endocrine defects in the luteal   to intravaginal or intramuscular routes.
of FMH is Rh (D) isoimmunization in                              or delivery with neonatal backup.              phase, which may jeopardize embryo             Dydrogesterone and natural micronized
Rh (D) negative patients, leading to                             Corticosteroids for lung maturity and          implantation and maintenance of early          progesterone are the two main oral
sensitization of the mother for future Rh(D)                     magnesium sulfate for fetal neuroprotection    pregnancy.                                     progestogens used in the setting of IVF.
+ve fetus. The assessment for FMH is also                        may be required for preterm gestation.
                                                                                                                Therefore, luteal phase support is             Dydrogesterone, a retroprogesterone, has
                                           Suspected FMH?        In addition, Rh (D) immune globulin            necessary to support embryo implantation       been used since the 1960s in conditions of
                                        Initiate prompt testing  must be administered to Rh-negative            and to enhance the probability of an           progesterone deficiency. The bioavailability
                                                                 women within 72 hours after any                ongoing pregnancy. Hence, it is now            of oral dydrogesterone is higher than that of
Maternal RhD status:      Maternal RhD status:                   potentially sensitizing event to prevent       considered a standard practice to              oral micronized progesterone. In addition,
     D‐negative          D‐positive or D‐antigen                 alloimmunization. Most FMH cases               support the luteal phase with exogenous        it is a more selective progesterone receptor
                                                                 (of volume <10 mL) can be neutralized          progestogens to improve pregnancy rates        agonist than progesterone and has a lower
                                 variant                         by the low prophylactic dose of anti-D         obtained from IVF. Using progesterone          affinity for androgen and glucocorticoid
                                                                 immunoglobulin. A higher dose of               for luteal phase support is associated         receptors. The higher selectivity of
ICT screening            Kleihauer‐Betke test or anti‐           prophylaxis is needed in cases of severe       with an improvement in pregnancy rates         dydrogesterone for progesterone receptors
                             HbF flow cytometry                  FMH (>30 mL) for neutralization. The           in IVF treatment. Moreover, the chance         translates into endometrial transformation
                                                                 FOGSI Recommendation for Routine               of developing ovarian hyperstimulation         at relatively lower doses and minimal
     ICT positive             ICT negative                       Antenatal Anti-D Prophylaxis (RAADP)           syndrome with progesterone is 20 times         androgenic, estrogenic, anabolic, and
    Isoimmunized         KB test Or prophylactic                 states that a single-dose regimen of 300 mcg   lower than that with hCG.                      corticoid side effects.
refer to fetal medicine                                          IM in the deltoid is effective, economical,
                             dose of AntiD                       and offers better compliance.                  Oral, vaginal, and parenteral routes of        A wealth of clinical evidence supports
                                                                                                                administration are the three available         the use of dydrogesterone in IVF. Several
Figure 2. Assessment of Suspected FMH                                                                           routes for progesterone support in the
                                                                                                                                                                                              Continued in Page 4
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