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Amgen Bone Health Mentoring Program

            Monday, October 15, at 11:30am – 2:30pm ◼ Ruth Chris, Minneapolis, MN

1027: Effects of Odanacatib on BMD and Overall Safety in the

Treatment of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women

Previously Treated with Alendronate

De Villiers T, Bonnick S, Odio A et al.

Session: Concurrent Oral Session 05: John H. Carsten's
Memorial Session for Osteoporosis Treatment ◼ Saturday,
October 13, 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM ◼ Room Location: Auditorium-

Main/Minneapolis Convention Center

   Results                     Abstract Information              Additional Notes
                                                                    from Poster/
Conclusions   ▪ Significant change in BMD with ODN therapy         Presentation*
Implications     at 24 months was observed in comparison to
for Canadian     placebo                                         Updated/Addition
                 (-0.94% and -1.35%).                            al Data, Key
   Practice                                                      Takeaways
              ▪ BMD changes from baseline in ODN group:
                       o 1.73% for femoral neck
                       o 1.83% trochanter
                       o 0.83% for total hip
                       o 2.28% for lumbar spine

              ▪ Significant reduction in biochemical marker (u-
                 NTx/Cr) of bone resorption occurred in the
                 ODN cohort and increase in biomarkers for
                 bone formation (s-P1NP and s-BSAP) in
                 comparison to placebo.

              ▪ Safety and tolerability were similar across
                 both the treatment arms.

              • ODN therapy was associated with incremental
                 increase in BMD among postmenopausal
                 women with osteoporosis following ALN
                 therapy. Also, ODN therapy reduced the
                 biomarker for bone turnover while preserving
                 bone formation.

              Discussion Points, Key Takeaways
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