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Welcome to NAPCON Varanasi

Dr. D Behera                                  Dr. D J Roy                                    Dr. B O Tayade                                    Dr. S N Gaur

President, ICS                                President Elect, ICS                           President, NCCP                                   Secretar y, NCCP

I welcome all the practicing pulmonologists,  My greetings to all the learned                I am pleased to welcome you to NAPCON             It is my privilege to welcome you to this
academicians, and residents to the gala       pulmonologists attending this signature        2021, Varanasi. The NAPCON is the premier         august gathering of NAPCON 2021. The
academic extravaganza of NAPCON 2021,         event, NAPCON 2021, the 23rd Joint             platform for the presentation of emerging         NAPCONs are huge platforms for the
the 23rd Joint Conference on Pulmonary        Conference on Pulmonary Diseases               pulmonology science and technology as well        dissemination of knowledge, networking,
Diseases Organized by the Indian Chest        Organized by the Indian Chest Society          as networking opportunities. In NAPCON,           innovations, and collaboration. This is the
Society and National College of Chest         and National College of Chest Physicians,      Varanasi, the scientific program is both          best time to focus your attention on the
Physicians. The scientific program for        in Varanasi. Building on the success of        exciting and ground-breaking in its wide-         recent outstanding achievements in the
NAPCON 2021 is excellent, and the             previous NAPCONs, the theme for 2021           ranging and multidisciplinary content with        field of pulmonology. I am sure NAPCON
learning and networking opportunities         is Commemorating Respiratory Care:             relevance to all practitioners of pulmonology     2021 will offer you top-level quality research
are outstanding. I am sure, the backdrop      Resilience, Strength, Skill, Innovation,       and respiratory medicine, regardless of           and knowledge. So friends, let’s live up
of the ancient city of Varanasi would add     & Hope. I look forward to the excellent        their workplace setting. In addition to           to their expectations and participate
to the joy of the meeting and provide         discussions, that are the hallmark of the      abstract presentations, lectures, debates,        wholeheartedly in this grand gathering. My
lasting memories beyond science. My           NAPCONs, surrounding the latest science        panel discussions, the NAPCON also                best wishes for a fruitful NAPCON 2021 and
thanks to the organizers that have done an    on the most pressing topics of our times.      offers workshops for achieving all-around         a heartfelt thanks to the organizers for their
exceptional job of organizing this event in   My best wishes for a successful conference     professional growth. My best wishes to you        persistent efforts and hard work.
such tough times.                             and many thanks to all organizers.             for making the optimal use of the NAPCON,

Dr J K Samaria                                Dr Kumar Utsav                                 Dr. Mohit Bhatia                                  Dr. J K Mishra

Organizing Chairman                           Organizing Secretar y                          Organizing Secretar y                             Co-Chair, Organizing Committee

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome       On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it      On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I          On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
you to the NAPCON 2021. Varanasi,             is my great pleasure and honor to welcome      take great pride in welcoming the esteemed        I am delighted to welcome the countless
considered among the world’s oldest living    you to the NAPCON 2021, the 23rd Joint         pulmonologists from all parts of India to         pulmonologists from all corners of India to
cities, also resembles ancient wisdom.        Conference on Pulmonary Diseases               the 23rd edition of the NAPCON in the             the gala event of the NAPCON 2021. This
I believe having this year’s NAPCON in        Organized by the Indian Chest Society          holy city of Varanasi. Varanasi is regarded       NAPCON is happening in one of the oldest
Varanasi reiterates the role of ancient       and National College of Chest Physicians.      as the “spiritual capital of India” and I         cities in the world known for the Ganges,
values, such as resilience, strength,         The heritage city “Kashi” now offers           hope that you will have a memorable and           Shiva, Wisdom, Hinduism, Spirituality,
skill, innovation, and hope in helping the    many new attractions, including the Shri       rewarding experience here, which you will         and Moksha. It is indeed my privilege
speciality of respiratory medicine find       Kashi Vishwanath Dham Corridor. I hope         cherish for years to come. Friends, let us        to welcome the delegates and faculty to
its optimal place. Please make the best       NAPCON 2021 will set a benchmark for           participate passionately in this magnificent      the 23rd joint conference of the ICS and
use of the NAPCON, Varanasi to broaden        forthcoming NAPCONs because of its             congregation in this ancient and a wisdom-        NCCP. We wish to make your experience
and magnify your insights into the recent     extraordinary scientific program designed      rich city of Varanasi. I send you my best         excellent in terms of learning, hospitality,
research and cutting-edge technologies in     to fulfill every participant’s quest for       wishes for a treasured experience in the          and entertainment. I look forward to your
respiratory medicine. I wish you a great      learning and development. I look forward       NAPCON 2021.                                      enthusiastic participation in the NAPCON
success in extracting the maximum value       to your exciting participation and a pleasant                                                    2021.
out of the NAPCON, Varanasi                   stay in the NAPCON, Varanasi.

Workshop In Focus: Conventional                                                                                                                Continued from Page 1
Transbronchial Needle Aspiration
                                                                                                                                               Workshop Spotlight

Presented by                                  elucidated the advantages and role of          TBNA, including tomography, type of               Blood eosinophils  Non-atopic                   Atopic asthma          Sputum eosinophils
Dr. Balamugesh T                              conventional TBNA in the current era.          needle, technique, tissue preparation, tissue                        eosinophilic asthma          with eosinophilia
                                              In addition, he emphasized the technical       interpretation, and a trained assistant. For
In this era of sophisticated technology,      aspects that can ensure the efficacy and       the benefit of the delegates, he also shared                         Anti IL5-Mepolizumab,        Omalizumab (A)
the role of conventional methods remains      safety of the procedure. He mentioned          several useful best practices for performing                         Reslizumab, Benralizumab(A)  Anti IL5-Mepolizumab,
an important question in interventional       that although the addition of EBUS             TBNA (Figure 1).                                                                                  Reslizumab,
pulmonology. With the advent of newer         converted the conventional TBNA into a                                                                              Omalizumab (POC) (C)         Benralizumab(A)
technologies, do the conventional             level 3 procedure studies have shown no                             Some Tips
technologies hold any advantage besides       significant difference between the primary                                                                          T2 low asthma                Atopic asthma
low costs? The best answer to such            outcomes for the two procedures in the            •	 In order to avoid false positive results,                                                   Omalizumab (A)
questions can only come from experts          settings of mediastinal lymphadenopathy.            needle aspiration should be performed                           Bronchial thermoplasty(B)
who have worked for a long time with both                                                         prior to airway inspection or biopsies of                       Macrolides(C)
the older and newer technologies. Very        Dr. Balamugesh concluded that                       endobronchial abnormalities.                                    Wt loss(B)
few experts could examine this aspect in      conventional TBNA continues to play a role
the context of conventional TBNA versus       in mediastinal lymphadenopathy evaluation         •	 Suction should be released prior to                            Serum total IgE
EBUS-TBNA as meticulously as was done         when the size is >15 mm and the location            removing the needle from the tumor or
by Prof. Balamugesh in the workshop on        is subcarinal. Contrarily, EBUS-TBNA has            lymph node in order to avoid contamination   Figure 1. Matrix for Biologic Selection in Severe
bronchoscopy held alongside NAPCON            advantages when the size is <15 mm, in              from bronchial wall tissue.                  Asthma According to Type 2 Phenotypes and Endotypes.
2021 in Varanasi.                             restaging procedures, and when there is a
                                              need for assurance of diagnosis. Further, he      •	 Lymph nodes denoting worse prognosis        Dr. Marwah summarized the GINA
In his brilliant talk, Dr. Balamugesh         highlighted six technical “T”s that can help        should be aspirated first, ie, N3 before N2  clinical criteria and predictors of clinical
                                              assure the best outcomes with conventional          and N2 before N1, using the same needle,     response that can further optimize the
                                                                                                  in patients with multiple sites of nodal     biologic selection in severe asthma. He
                                                                                                  involvement                                  cautioned that there may be a clinical
                                                                                                                                               overlap between severe allergic and severe
                                                                                             Figure 1. Best Practices For Conventional TBNA    eosinophilic asthma that may mandate
                                                                                                                                               switching of biologics. He concluded that
                                                                                                                                               while phenotypic heterogeneity had guided
                                                                                                                                               the early precision medicine for asthma,
                                                                                                                                               the future of precision medicine in severe
                                                                                                                                               asthma will be based on the endotypic
                                                                                                                                               heterogeneity of asthma.
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