
I am indeed glad, to sum up the highly successful 67th Annual Conference of The Indian Orthopedic Association of India which was held in the holy city of Amritsar between 28th November to 3rd December 2022, as among the most memorable and successful conferences in recent times.
I am indeed glad to mention here that, the enthusiasm of speakers and delegates was overwhelming and their interest to talk and interact was very evident. The sheer number of delegates who were present in different halls spoke highly about the quality of science that was deliberated here. With the scientific extravaganza panning across multiple parallel halls, it is impossible for anyone to keep a track of the entire scientific program. Therefore from this angle, the Highlights of IOACON book in both print and digital format should be of tremendous help in giving a quick insight of the entire deliberation in a snap-shot.
I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to all the esteemed faculty and delegates for their active participation during this meeting. I also convey my special thanks to all my friends and colleagues from the entire central and state organizing teams with a special mention to
Dr. Harpal Singh Selhi, for their unstinted support. Let me also laud Klub Class publications for effectively preparing this important publication in quick time.
I firmly believe that this publication will find an important place in your personal library.

Happy Reading!

Parvinder Singh Sandhu
Organizing Secretary, IOACON 2022

Klub Class Publications