This publication contains Highlights articles which are personal interpretations or expert commentaries of selected 100 talks presented during APICON Delhi
This publication contains Highlights articles which are personal interpretations or expert commentaries of selected 100 talks presented during AICOG Hyderabad
This publication contains Highlights articles which are personal interpretations or expert commentaries of selected 100 talks presented during CSICON Kolkata
This publication contains Highlights articles which are personal interpretations or expert commentaries of selected 100 talks presented during RSSDI 2023
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Telepresence Robotics is an ahead of the curve tech. It is the next best alternative to being physically present
AICOG Times succinctly covers the daily news of AICOG Congress for the benefit of attendees and readers
PEDICON Times succinctly covers the daily news of PEDICON Congress for the benefit of attendees and readers